創意工作者/創業家品牌價值的商業策略- Chris Do

胡子創意榮幸邀請到國際設計大師Chris Do做快閃演講。
讓你的名字成為一個成功的魅力品牌名,讓好感度提升,讓特色被看見!品牌大師 Chris Do 的私相授受私房課,小聲的說,小班授課沒有太多名額!
**Accupass購票通路: >>https://www.accupass.com/go/chrisdo
✸主題一 - 打造「個人品牌」讓服務一枝獨秀。
身為創意工作者的你,該如何打造出成功的個人品牌脫穎而出? Aaron Draplin和Stefan Sagmeister這兩位設計界的超級巨星,他們建立的個人品牌早已在設計業界中,成功地累積粉絲忠誠度,也因此成為酬勞不斐的講師、邀稿與客戶主動上門。 他們是如何做到的?
✸主題二 - 「有人味」社群經營創造品牌集客力。
社群經營不該是過多的垃圾訊息與病毒式行銷,應該更有人味,啟發想法與傳遞資訊,要建立擁有共同的價值觀、興趣的群體,透過有共鳴的粉絲,建立社群的分享引擎。 讓群眾了解你在做什麼(what),怎麼做事(how),與為什麼做(why)。 學會操作最受歡迎的社群平台,讓更多客戶看到。
✸主題三 - 運用品牌創造全新商務關係。
✸主題四 - 融合工作與生活的高效率工作模式。
**Chris 這次例外的將分享,曾在單價$4000美金商務成長營中教授過的內容,請把握這次難得的機會。
講者介紹: ◆Chris Do - 艾美獎金獎設計師、導演、商業策略、演說顧問與創業家、美國知名設計媒體公司 - Blind負責人
過去20年,Chris Do在位於南加Santa Monica的公司Blind總部,致力於Motion設計與品牌規劃。Chris的團隊曾經為Nike、Xbox、Fox Sports、Electronic Arts、Cold Play、The Gap、NatGeo、Sony和Honda等知名跨國品牌,製作一系列的電視廣告和MV。
Chris在南加州知名的藝術學校 –加州藝術中心大學 ArtCenter College of Design擔任教授指導sequential and main title design領域課程超過15年後,Chris擴展教學領域,創立了線上教育頻道 – The Futur 拍攝超過500支關於設計、品牌、商業策略和用戶體驗的Youtube影片,吸引超過30萬的用戶追蹤。成為設計教育分享資源的口碑。
✦Q&A 現場也邀請專業翻譯進行逐步口譯,所以語言的問題,不會是你接軌國際的障礙。
胡子創意國際設計大師系列講座 ************************************************************
Business of Design: Strategies for Creative Entrepreneurs to Double Your Income.
創意工作者/創業家品牌價值的商業策略 ************************************************************
English info:
Hx2 Studio has the honor to invite the award-winning designer Chri Do to do a talk in Taipei, Taiwan.
"Business of Design: Strategies for Creative Entrepreneurs to Double Your Income."
◆Speaker: Chris Do
Chris Do is an Emmy award-winning designer, director, strategist, lecturer consultant, and entrepreneur.
He has spent the last two decades running Santa Monica-based, motion-design and branding agency, Blind. His team has worked on TV commercials and music videos for iconic brands such as: Nike, Xbox, Fox Sports, Electronic Arts, Scion, Cold Play, The Gap, NatGeo, Sony, and Honda.
Having taught sequential and main title design for over 15 years at the Art Center College of Design, Chris decided to scale his teaching efforts and founded the Futur, an online content and education platform. He has produced over 500 YouTube videos on subjects around: design, branding, business and UX, and has gained an audience of 300k subscribers from all over the globe.
He currently serves as the chairman of the board for SPJA (Society to Promote Japanese Animation), and as an advisor to Saleshood. He has also served as: advisory board member for AIGA/LA, Emmys Motion & Title Design Peer Group, Otis Board of Governors, Santa Monica College and Woodbury University.
His firm’s work has been recognized by national and international organizations such as: the Emmy’s, Effie Gold, Effie, Huffington Post, Lynda.com, Webbie, Communication Arts, London International Awards, One Show, British D&AD, AICP 20, Pictoplasma, How, 72 dpi, L.A. Weekly, Boards, Res 10, Type Director’s Club (20, 22, 23, 26), IDN, Addy Awards, BDA, Create, Stash (2, 12, 22, 24, 35, 43, 65), Creatie Augustus 2010, Motion Design, Asia Image, Brief, 365 AIGA Year In Design 26, Art Director’s Club, Motionographer, New York Festivals, B Brand, PPaper, I.D., and Print.
◆Learning objects
✸Identity in the age of personal branding. How can you create a personal brand to help you stand out in the market place? Two superstars in the design world—Aaron Draplin and Stefan Sagmeister have been able to successfully build a rabid fan following designers. Their personal brands enabled them to command speaking fees, book deals and enviable clients.
✸Social media strategies. It’s not about spam. Inspire or inform. Build community around common values, interests, and ideas. Enroll people in what you do, how you and why you do. Learn to use the most popular social media platforms like: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Behance, Pinterest, Medium and Linkedin to make it easier for clients to find you.
✸Forget work life balance. Focus on work life integration. The idea of achieving work/life balance is an outdated concept where the creative is forced to divide their time between work, fun, family, and purpose. An alternative is to find a way to blend and blur the lines between work, fun, family and purpose.
✸Business of design. Learn how to build stronger relationships with clients including: how to take the anxiety and fear around talking about money, negotiate price, overcome objections, and price based on value.
The workshop is a combination of short lectures, worksheets, self-study questions, role-play and Q&A.
Business of Design: Strategies for Creative Entrepreneurs to Double Your Income. ************************************************************